With macOS 11.5, Apple has brought the capability of a device lock PIN to Mac computers with Apple silicon. Previous to macOS 11.5 the “pin” portions of this command did not function in the same way that they did on Intel Mac computers. When a Mac computer with Apple silicon running 11.5 or higher is issued a device lock command from Kandji, the device unlock PIN will now be displayed in the device record, in the same way it is displayed for Mac computers with Intel. For Mac computers with Apple silicon running macOS versions 11.0 to 11.4, the following banner text will be displayed instead of a device lock PIN:
Device Lock Command Pending Lock Device “This device will lock the next time it comes online. Lock device PINs are not supported on Apple silicon Mac computers prior to macOS 11.5.” Lock Device command completed “This device is locked. Lock device PINs are not supported on Apple silicon Mac computers prior to macOS 11.5.”
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