The Kandji Team

Agent Update: Self Service Features

AUTHOR: The Kandji Team

 ㅤ   Kandji Agent Version - 2.7.2 (1200) Kandji Self Service Version - 1.1.458

  • The install status of all items is checked when launching Self Service.

  • If an app is installed, the default button becomes Open, which can be used to open the app.

  • If an older version of the app is installed, the button appears as Update, which can be used to update the app.

  • A contextual button appears when hovering over installed items in the main view, and Activity.

    • This menu contains options to reinstall, show the item in Finder, or open various links related to the app, including app-specific support sites.

    • App Store apps have the option to view the app directly in the App Store, without opening a web browser.

Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 3.49.34 PM-original.png

For more information, read our Self Service knowledge base article.