The Kandji Team

API Updates

AUTHOR: The Kandji Team

 ㅤ   A new API endpoint for the Erase Device device action is now available, which allows you to erase a device by device ID. It won’t be enabled by default on existing API tokens; you’ll need to explicitly enable permissions for them. Additionally, the following API endpoints have been updated to include the device ID in the top level of the response body.

  • /api/v1/devices/deviceID/details

  • /api/v1/devices/deviceID/activity

  • /api/v1/devices/deviceID/apps

  • /api/v1/devices/deviceID/commands

  • /api/v1/devices/deviceID/parameters

  • /api/v1/devices/deviceID/library-items

  • /api/v1/devices/deviceID/status

Visit the API Documentation for more info