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Apple in the Enterprise Report

Apple is thriving in the enterprise, as more and more companies choose Mac, iPhone, and iPad. What's driving that growth? What benefits do companies see in Apple? Those are the questions Kandji’s Apple in The Enterprise Report answers. Conducted by Dimensional Research, this 2023 report includes data from more than 300 IT stakeholders around the world.

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Research topics covered:

  • How quickly is Apple growing in the enterprise?

  • What makes Apple cost-effective for companies?

  • How do Apple devices contribute to employee productivity?

  • How confident is enterprise IT in managing apple devices at scale?

  • How Apple devices are tied to better business outcomes?

  • Are Apple devices really more secure?

book report screenshot

Key insights

76 %
of large enterprises report an increase in their use of Apple devices in the past year.
57 %
report that Apple device use is growing faster than other options.
One in five credit Apple adoption for creating additional revenue opportunities.
Top 5

The top 5 factors driving iPad adoption:

  • Mobility needs 55%
  • Employee demand 51%
  • Positive perception of Apple brand 39%
  • Hybrid & remote work 38%
  • Security 31%

iPhone devices

iPad Devices

Mac notebook computers

Mac desktop computers

Increased significantly
Increased slightly
No change
Not applicable
Background Amber waves

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