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introducing kandji's integration with vanta
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Introducing Kandji's Integration with Vanta

Kandji Team Kandji Team
2 min read

Kandji is excited to announce our integration with Vanta. Information about devices in your Kandji instance can now be used to inform Vanta’s security and compliance rules. 

Vanta uses API keys created in Kandji to make requests to the /devices/ endpoint. It then uses that information to confirm that devices have the correct settings in four key areas of compliance:

  • Disk encryption;
  • Screensaver lock; 
  • Password manager; and
  • Antivirus.

To take advantage of this integration, Kandji customers must have:

  • A Vanta account;
  • A Kandji account with access to API tokens; and
  • A Kandji API token with the necessary permissions to fetch data for all device endpoints.

To set up the integration, go to Settings > Access, go to the API Token section and click Add Token. Give the token a name and description, then copy it. Next, configure its permissions:

  • Device: “/device/{device_id}”
  • Device list: "/devices"
  • Device details: "/devices/{device_id}/details"
  • Application list: "/devices/{device_id}/apps"
  • Device Library Items: "/devices/{device_id}/library-items"

Save the token. In the API Token section, note your organization’s API URL; it should follow the format https://<subdomain>

Enter that subdomain and the API token on Vanta’s connection page. Vanta will validate the credentials and establish the connection. For more information, check out the Vanta knowledge base article.

Request access to Kandji today.